Monday, December 24, 2012

Tiny as a peanut

Can you tell it's Christmas and I don't have to work? Catching up on some long overdue blogging.

So, baby girl is still just a tiny little thing! She was 6lb 7oz at birth, got down to 5lb 8oz and has been growing steadily since. The only thing is that she's not gaining weight as fast as we'd expect. She was 11lb 4oz when she had her 4 month well baby visit. That's the 2percentile for weight! At first it made us pretty worried because she'd fallen at little from her growth curve (previously 10th), but once our pediatric provider examined her and saw how strong she is, she was a lot less worried. She's still on her curve for height (10th) and head (50th!!), so that's a good thing. She's doing all the things a healthy happy 4 month old should do: rolling over both ways, starting to sit on her own with little support, sleeps great all night and is alert awake an happy during the day. It's odd because she's such a good eater! At her visit the pediatric provider commented that she eat as much as a six month old. She doesn't spit up or have reflux. I think she's just gonna be one of those girls with a great metabolism that makes all the other girls jealous when she's bigger but makes mom and dad a tiny bit anxious today :)
Fortunately, we have a trusted pediatrician in the family who helped us come up with a plan to fortify breast milk with calories to give her more calories. By her sweet kissable cheeks and shrinking pjs, I think it's working. We will weigh her again in a few weeks and see how we are doing.

In the meantime, I think Zane said it best the very first time he met her. She is, indeed, "little as a peanut!"

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